It was not until this morning that it struck me that the current load- shedding by The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is getting out of hand.
I was listening to an interview of a senior doctor of The Konfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) this morning on joyfm, and amongst the things he said, the mention of the death of a woman due to blackout at the hospital sent shivers done my spine. This woman could be alive now if ECG had spared the hospital from its load- shedding. Last night the entire country experienced a blackout. This is the third time this year. ECG should know better not to involve life saving institutions such as hospitals in their "on and off" jamboree.
Ghana turned 55 not long ago and this is what the masses have to deal with each day.

Ghanaians are paying so much money for electricity therefore we have the right to demand for better services. The ECG takes power as and when they like and sometimes consumers are not given prior notice about it. I bet no top official has lost a dear one due to this "light off" yet.