Thursday, 8 March 2012

Beautiful In So Many Ways.....Happy International Women's Day!!!

Every Home, Every Heart, Every Feeling, Every Moment of Happiness is incomplete without you. You complete this world.

Today is World International Women's Day! Today is the day women are celebrated all over the world. As a woman I feel empowered that the whole world sets a day to celebrate us.

Growing up, I’ve come across wonderful women who in one way or the other have taught me something extraordinary that I take with me everywhere I go. I say women are amazing! I say this not because of my gender but I've seen too much not to know that.

As a Ghanaian and an African, I’ve heard of the wonderful things some women have done to change their communities and the world. Some made a difference through their music and also in the fight for women rights.

 Most of these phenomenal women died even before I saw the sunlight on earth but like I always say when you make a difference in the life of someone or people you give them a gift and a story which they pass on from generation to generation. The legacy of a woman who made a difference is priceless.

I've been observing one particular woman from a distance and I must say I salute her for her hard work and determination. I first heard her name on joy fm during their "My business 2010" reality show.
Gloria Buckman - Yankson of PlanIt Events Ghana. The theme for this year's celebration is "Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures". Watching her from a distance, I feel connected to my source and inspired by not only what she does, but how she does it.

Billions of women are physically and emotionally abused. Women have been  branded as sex symbols. As we celebrate International Women's Day, may it be a call to the end of women abuse all over the world.

Happy International Women's Day to every woman! You’re beautiful. Feel special, unique and on top of the world!!

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